Veterinary consulation
Veterinary and Medical Training services to Parks, Zoo and Aquaria on regular and/or occasional consultancy contract(s)
- on-site visit(s)
- as a referent
- for incidental medical cases
The expertise provided comprises (but is not limited to):
- Veterinary advises (general and/or specific)
- Marine mammal veterinary & health-care follow-up
- Marine mammal specialized veterinary support to local practitioners
- Medical training (for handlers/trainers and veterinarians)
- Ultrasonography
- Pinniped anesthesia
- Radiography
- Endoscopy
- Surgeries
- Reproduction & artificial insemination
- Contraception
- Nutrition
- Animal transport
- Scientific research
- Protocols guidance (pre & post-partum preparation in dolphins, tuberculosis surveillance in pinnipeds, etc.)
- Etc.
MMVS is equipped with state of the art portable medical equipment:
- Anesthesia (Dräger) and monitoring devices (Capnograph, ECG, Pulsoxymeter, oesophageal & rectal stethoscopes)
- Ultrasonography (Logiq e – GE, with several probes)
- Radiography (Gierth 200)
- Endoscopy (Storz Medipack with 2,5 m scope)
We also work with various colleagues specialized in specific medical domains (dentistry, ophthalmology, endoscopy) such as to be able to offer the most up-to-date veterinary service during interventions. A nurse specialized in marine mammals can accompany during anesthesia & surgery visits.
MMVS also offers a variety of on-site workshops and seminars.