- LACAVE, G.*, ALERTE, V., GOUVERNEUR, G. (2016). Development of an online survey for the review of otariids reproduction control in captivity after preliminary results of deslorelin and goserelin GnRh agonists implants, as temporary contraception, in different male pinniped species. Proceedings of the 44th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Benidorm, Spain, pp 29.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2015). Development of a Reference Atlas of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Ultrasonography. Proceedings of the 43rdEuropean Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Kolmarden, Sweden, pp 14.
- LACAVE, G.* & HUGUET, E. (2014). Ultrasonic anatomy of the sea lion eye and early detection of cataractous changes. Proceedings of the 42nd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Tenerife, Spain, pp 14.
- JOURY, P.*, LE BLANC, A., BOUCHET, C., JOURDAN, C. MAHTALI, C., MAILLOT, A., ALERTE V. & LACAVE, G. (2014). Open and closed eye ultrasound training in sea lions. Proceedings of the 42nd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Tenerife, Spain, pp 14.
- LACAVE, G.*, CUI Y., SALBANY A., ROQUE L., FLANAGAN C., SILVA N., COX, E. (2013). Results of a 20-year Erysipelas vaccination program in a dolphin (Tursiops truncates) population through analysis of the antibody response in a dolphin specific ELISA. Proceedings of the 41st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Nuremberg, Germany, pp 20.
- BOURGAIN, JL., HUGUET, E., PEREZ, M., GOURNAY, W., CARON, A.*, GODET, C.*, ROY, V., DESCHAMPS, J., LE MEUR, L., SIMONEL, A., COLITZ, C., LATIMER, F. & G. LACAVE. (2013). It is not easy to foresee everything when your target is to see again. Proceedings of the 41st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Nuremberg, Germany, pp 22.
- LACAVE, G.* (2012). Ultrasound in pinnipeds: a review. Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 23.
- LACAVE, G.*, MARESCAUX, L., BOURGAIN, JL., DESCHAMPS, J., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V. (2012). Identification of a C2 fracture and rachis deviation through CT scan in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 23-24.
- HUGUET, E.*, COLITZ, M., PEREZ-ORRICO, M., LACAVE, G. & GARCIA, D. (2012). A few ideas about aquatic mammals ophthalmology. Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 23.
- FERRER, J.*, FLAMEY, M., NEMOZ, J., SENE, E. & LACAVE, G. (2012). Large repertoire of behaviour training with harbour seals in a multiple species context. Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 30.
- JOURY, P.*, LE BLANC, A., TREVIGLIO, E., BOUCHET, C., JOURDAN, C. MAHTALI, C., MAILLOT, A., ALERTE V. & LACAVE, G. (2012). Solving a life-threatening regurgitation problem in a California sea lion through training and satiation. Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 31.
- HUGUET, E.*, COLITZ, M., LACAVE, G., MALABIA, A., GARCIA, D. & PEREZ-ORRICO, M., (2012). Report of cataract surgery in harbour seals. Proceedings of the 40th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium, Poster. Madrid, Spain, pp 43.
- DI MECOLA, C., LACAVE, G. & B. BIANCANI. (2011). Handling and training of neonate bottlenose dolphin with new prospective from bottom floor. Proceedings of the 39th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Barcelona, Spain, pp16.
- LACAVE, G.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., SAMPAYO, J. (2009). Ultrasonic identification and laparoscopic approach of an abdominal mass in a Patagonian sea lion (Otaris flavescens). Proceedings of the 37th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Malta, pp 20.
- LACAVE, G.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., BOSCHIROLI. M.L. & LECU, A. (2009). Atypical case of Mycobacterium pinnipedii in a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens) and tuberculosis cases history review in captive pinnipeds”. (2009). Proceedings of the 37th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Malta, pp 21.
- FLANAGAN C., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., SILVA, J., CARREIRA, M., COSTA, A. & LACAVE, G. (2009). Surgical resolution of a bilateral mandible fracture in a South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus). Proceedings of the 37th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Malta, pp 23.
- RECTOR, A., LACAVE, G.*, MOSTMANS, S., VAN DOORSLAER, K., REHTANZ, M., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., GHIM, SJ., JENSON, B., VAN RANST, M. (2006). The genetic characterization of a novel close-to-root papillomavirus in a bottlenose dolphin: Tursiops truncatus papillomavirus type 1 (TtPV-1). Proceedings of the 34th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Riccione, Italy, pp 17.
- BOUDERBALA, S.*, FLAMEY, M.*, NAURAIS, R., NICOLAS A.M. & G. LACAVE. (2006) How to develop water work with harbour seals in a special context. Proceedings of the 34th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Riccione, Italy, pp 12.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L. & COX, E. (2005). Immunodeficiency in a Tursiops truncatus dolphin calf. Proceedings of the 33rdEuropean Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Harderwijk, the Netherlands, pp 12.
- VICENTE, E.*, BRAGANÇA, M., SALBANY, A., CAMPOS, S., SABINO-MARQUES, H., GUGLIELMI, E., MASSEI, K., BORTOLOTTO, A., LACAVE, G., PAPINI, L. & SANTOS M.E. (2005). Grampus griseus: a report of a stranded calf at Zoomarine. Proceedings of the 33rd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Harderwijk, The Netherlands, pp 20.
- SALBANY, A.*, ROQUE, L., GUGLIELMI, E., LACAVE, G., PAPINI, L., VICENTE, E., BRAGANÇA, M., CAMPOS, S., SABINO-MARQUES, H., BRANCO, V., MASSEI, K., BORTOLOTTO, A. (2005). Grampus griseus: a report of a stranded calf at Zoomarine – the medical perspective. Proceedings of the 33rd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Harderwijk, the Netherlands, pp 20.
- PAPINI, L., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., LACAVE, G., RAVAROTTO, L., BALLARIN, C., COZZI, B. & M. MORGANTE. (2005). Some observations on kidney physiology and pathophysiology in Tursiops trunctus. Proceedings of the 33rd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Harderwijk, The Netherlands, pp 16.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2004). Validation of a birth prediction program in Tursiops truncatus based on ultrasound measurements. Proceedings of the 32nd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Valencia, Spain, pp 10.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L. & DOVER, S.R. (2004). Medulla aplasia due to hyperoestrogenism resulting in chronic anemia in a grey seal (halichoerus grypus). Proceedings of the 32ndEuropean Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Valencia, Spain, pp 11.
- SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L, LACAVE, G. (2004). Mother and calf bottlenose dolphin pre- and post-partum follow-up. Proceedings of the 32nd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Valencia, Spain, pp 13.
- VAN DER POL, B.*, MEIJER, M., SALBANY, A. & LACAVE, G. (2003). Cataract extractions in common seals (Phoca vitulina). Proceedings of the 31st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Tenerife, Spain.
- LACAVE, G.*, JENSON, AB., GHIM, SJ., BOSSART, GD., DUCATELLE, R., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., PEREIRA, M., MASSEI, K., OVA, I., ROMÃO, N., LIMA, C. (2003). Identification of genital papilloma in two female Tursiops truncatus, one with pseudocarcinomatous proprieties, after voluntary biopsies. Proceedings of the 31st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Tenerife, Spain.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A. & ROQUE, L. (2002). Twin gestation in a Tursiops truncatus at Zoomarine, Portugal. Proceedings of the 30th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Aalborg, Denmark.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2002). Blood sampling in pinnipeds by voluntary behaviour: the different steps. Proceedings of the 30th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Aalborg, Denmark.
- FLAMEY, M.*, GODET, C.*, ROY, V., POUILLE, A., SALOMÉ, C., BOURGAIN, J.L., GENTY, E. & LACAVE, G. (2002). About the use of differential targets in California sea lions. Proceedings of the 30st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Aalborg, Denmark.
- VAN FOREEST, A.*, LACAVE, G. & Y. DE BOSSCHERE. (2001). Dental examination and treatment of eight pinnipeds. Proceedings of the 29th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Genova, Italy, pp 7.
- FLAMEY, M.*, GODET, C., POUILLE, A., RADET, S., ROY, V., SALOMÉ, C., BOURGAIN, J-L., LACAVE, G. & BLANCHET, M-A. (2001). The training of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) at Nausicaa, the french national sea life center. Proceedings of the 29th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Genova, Italy, pp 8.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2000). Ultrasound in marine mammals and development of growth scale graphs for Tursiops fetus. Proceedings of the 28th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual meeting. Benidorm, Spain, pp 12
- LACAVE, G.* & COX, E. (2000). Erysipelas in cetaceans, more particularly the handling and vaccination in young Tursiops truncatus calves. Proceedings of the 28th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Benidorm, Spain, pp 10.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1997). Medical training in marine mammals. Updates an Advantages. Proceedings of the 26th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Tampere, Finland, pp 7.
- LEONARDO, A.*, DE SOUSA, R., LACAVE, G., MASSEI, K., MACHADO, N., PIRES, Y., RODRIGUES, M. & FONSECA, E. (1997). A new born fur seal with a broken jaw – Is there anything we can do? Proceedings of the 25th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Duisburg, Germany, pp 14.
- LACAVE, G.* & PROST, C. (1996). Candida desensitization attempt in a Tursiops truncatus. Proceedings of the 24th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Albufeira, Portugal, pp 11.
- DE SOUSA, R., LACAVE, G.*, CARDOSO, O. & E. VICENTE (1995). Dolphin cystoscopy. Proceedings of the 24th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Albufeira, Portugal, pp 16.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1994). Handling and medical treatment in a new born bottlenose dolphin. Proceedings of the 22nd European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Kolmarden, Sweden.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1993). Comparison of two methods to control candida in Tursiops truncatus: microscope viewing of a fresh sample or culture on a Petri plate. Proceedings of the 21st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Madrid, Spain, pp 9.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1993). Microscope pictures of blowhole materials in Tursiops truncatus. Madrid, Spain. Proceedings of the 21st European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Poster. Madrid, Spain, pp 9.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1992). Problems with the importation of pinnipeds to Europe. Proceedings of the 20th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Brugge, Belgium, pp 4.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1991). The new Brugge dolphinarium. Proceedings of the 19th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Riccione, Italy.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1990). A survey of management practices for dolphin pregnancy with two examples of birth complication. Proceedings of the 18th European Association for Aquatic Mammals annual symposium. Rapperswil, Switzerland.
- LACAVE, G.*, BOURGAIN, JL., GODET, C., DESCHAMPS, J., GOURNAY, W., DUPRET, A., JOURY, P., BOUCHET, C., JOURDAN, C., MAHTALI, C., NETO, M., PALMA, L., RICO, N., RIEM, L., JOHANSSON, F., PHILIPS. W., CARDENAS, A. (2017). Voluntary eye ultrasound training by immersion in pinnipeds: a fantastic tool for follow-up after cataract surgery. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Cancun, Mexico pp 27-28
- LACAVE, G.*, ALERTE, V., GOUVERNEUR, G. (2016). Development of an online survey for the review of otariids reproduction control in captivity after preliminary results of deslorelin and goserelin GnRh agonists implants, as temporary contraception, in different male pinniped species”. Proceedings of the 41st Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. San Diego, USA, pp 31-32.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2015). Development of a Pinniped Ultrasonography Reference Atlas. Proceedings of the 41st Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Bahamas, p53.
- JOURY, P.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., LEBLANC, A., BOUCHET, C., JOURDAN, C., MAHTALI, C., LACAVE, G. (2014). Open and closed eye ultrasound training in sea lions. Proceedings of the 40th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Orlando, USA, p 15.
- LACAVE, G.*, CUI Y., SALBANY A., ROQUE L., FLANAGAN C., SILVA N., COX, E. (2012). Results of a 20-year Erysipelas vaccination program in a dolphin population. Proceedings of the 40th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Hong Kong, p 38.
- BOURGAIN, JL.*, HUGUET, E., PEREZ, M., GOURNAY, W., CARON, A., GODET, C., ROY, V., DESCHAMPS, J., LE MEUR, L., SIMONEL, A., COLITZ, C., LATIMER, F., LACAVE, G. (2012). It is not easy to foresee everything when your target is to see again. Proceedings of the 40th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Hong Kong, p 48.
- LACAVE, G.* (2012). Animals-Trainers-Veterinarians: an indispensable trio! Where do we come from and where do we go? Proceedings of the 40th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Hong Kong, p 63.
- LACAVE, G.*, MARESCAUX, L., BOURGAIN, JL., DESCHAMPS, J., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V. (2011). Identification of a C2 fracture and rachis deviation through CT scan in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Proceedings of the 39th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Miami, USA, p32.
- JOURY, P.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., LEBLANC, A., TREVEGLIO, E., BOUCHET, C., JOURDAN, C., MAHTALI, C., LACAVE, G. (2011). Solving a life-threatening regurgitation problem in a California sea lion through training and satiation. Proceedings of the 39th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Miami, USA, p52
GARGANI, C., PICKE, N., VERSCHRAEGEN, N., HIREL, N., LACAVE, G. (2010). First steps of husbandry training at MareNostrum Aquarium. Proceedings of the 38th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Boston, USA, p54. - LACAVE, G.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., JOURY, P., LEMEUR, L., LEBLANC, A., TREVEGLIO, E. CHRIST, A. (2009). The advantage of ultrasound training in the identification and subsequent laparoscopic approach of an abdominal mass in a Patagonian sea lion (Otaris flavescens). Proceedings of the 37th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Atlanta, USA, p24.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2009). Pinnipeds tuberculosis: the importance of medical training and access to animals for populations survey during the spreading of a potentially zoonotic disease. Proceedings of the 37th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Atlanta, USA, p42.
- LACAVE, G.*, GUGLIELMI, E., MANTRATZI, E. (2008). Two cases of partial penis amputation in a south African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) and a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria byronia) following persistent paraphymosis. Pre and post-operation follow-up. Proceedings of the 36th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Cancun, Mexico, p38.
- BOURGAIN, JL., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W.*, POUILLE, A., ROY, V., BOURGAIN, C. LEMOEN, S., LACAVE, G. (2008). Intubation training of California sea lions. Proceedings of the 36th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Cancun, Mexico, p22.
- NETO, M.*, OVA, I., HENRIQUES, A., FILHO, C., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., MASSEI, K., PEREZ, H., LACAVE, G. (2006). Husbandry training for artificial insemination performed under controlled behaviour on a female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) at Zoomarine, Portugal. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Oahu, Hawaii, p18.
- LACAVE, G.*, BOURGAIN, JL., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V., SALOMÉ, C. (2006). Diagnose and treatment of pannus (chronic superficial keratitis) in an aggressive California sea lion. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Oahu, Hawaii, p17.
- BOURGAIN, J.L., FLAMEY, M., GODET, C., GOURNAY W., LACAVE, G., POUILLE, A., ROY, V.*, SALOMÉ, C.* (2004). A public presentation with sea lions behind the glass of an underwater observatory. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Kolmarden, Sweden, p27.
- MASSEI, K.*, LACAVE, G., DOS SANTOS, M., QUINTINO, E. (2004). Energy requirements, digestion and behavior of south African fur seals in a zoological environment. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Kolmarden, Sweden, p 26.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., DOVER, S.R. (2004). Medulla aplasia due to hyperoestrogenism resulting in chronic anemia in a grey seal (halichoerus grypus). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Kolmarden, Sweden, p23.
- LACAVE, G.*, KERTESZ, P., BOURGAIN, JL., FLAMEY, M., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V., SALOMÉ, C. (2004). Teeth problems in sea lions: from beginning to end. The good relationship between animals, trainers, and veterinarians. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Kolmarden, Sweden, p14.
- MASSEI, K.*, OVA, I.*, LACAVE, G., ROQUE, L., SALBANY, A., PEREIRA, M., HENRIQUES, A., FILHO, C., ROMAO, N. (2004). Mouth biopsy under voluntary behavior in a female bottlenose dolphin. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Kolmarden, Sweden, p12.
- BOURGAIN, J.L., FLAMEY, M., GODET, C., LACAVE, G., POUILLE, A., ROY, V.*, SALOMÉ, C. (2003). Training of sea lions behind the glass of an underwater observatory. Proceedings of the 31st Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Long Beach, USA, p18.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2003). Validation of a birth prediction program in Tursiops truncatus based on ultrasound measurements. Proceedings of the 31st Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Long Beach, USA, p37.
- BOURGAIN, J.L., FLAMEY, M., GODET, C., LACAVE, G., POUILLE, A., ROY, V., SALOMÉ, C.*. (2003). Using training to create educational presentations. Proceedings of the 31st Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Long Beach, USA, p39.
- LACAVE, G.*, EGGERMONT, M., VERSLYCKE, T., BROOK, F., KINOSHITA, R. (2002). Delivery Prediction Program in Tursiops truncatus Based on Ultrasound Measurements. Proceedings of the 30th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Orlando, USA, p36.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A. & ROQUE, L. (2002). Twin gestation in a Tursiops truncatus at Zoomarine, Portugal. Proceedings of the 30th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Orlando, USA, p26.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2002). Blood sampling in pinnipeds by voluntary behaviour: the different steps. Proceedings of the 30th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Orlando, USA, p16.
- PEREIRA, M., OVA, I., ROQUE, L., LIMA, C., MASSEI, K., ROMAO, N., LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY. A. (2002). Voluntary training for a genital biopsy in a female dolphin Tursiops truncates. Proceedings of the 30th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Orlando, USA, p32.
- FLAMEY, M.*, GODET, C., RADET, S.*, BOURGAIN, J.L., DOLIGER, P., LACAVE, G. (1999). Results of the medical training and the different interactions carried out on a group of 6 California sea lions. Proceedings of the 27th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Chicago, USA, p11.
- BRASSEUR, I.*, LACAVE, G, COTTYN, J.* (1998). Baby boom at the dolphinarium of the Boudewijnpark. Proceedings of the 26th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association, Algarve, Portugal, p23.
- DE SOUZA, R., MASSEI, K., AGUERO, J., STEPHENS, B.*, LACAVE, G. (1998). Teflon implantation procedure by cystoscopy in a dolphin bladder under medical training. Proceedings of the 26th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association, Algarve, Portugal, p21.
- DE SOUZA, R., PEREIRA, M., MASSEI, K., STEPHENS, B*. & LACAVE G. (1998). Desensitization of an adult female south African fur seal to a new born calf. Proceedings of the 26th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association, Algarve, Portugal, pl4.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1997). Medical training in marine mammals. Updates an Advantages. Proceedings of the 25th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Baltimore, USA, p17.
- LEONARDO, A.*, DE SOUSA, R., LACAVE, G., MASSEI, K., MACHADO, N., PIRES, Y., RODRIGUES, M. & FONSECA, E. (1996). A new born fur seal with a broken jaw – Is there anything we can do? Proceedings of the 24th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Gold Coast, Australia, p 16.
- DE SOUSA, R., LACAVE, G.*, CARDOSO, O. & E. VICENTE (1995). Dolphin’s training for cystoscopy. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Las Vegas, USA, p12.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1994). Handling and medical treatment in new born bottlenose dolphins : a survey of three cases. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Tacoma, Washington, p23.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1992). Comparison of two methods to control candida from the blowhole of dolphins: microscope viewing of fresh samples and cultures on Petri plates. Proceedings of the 20th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Grand Bahamas, p33.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1992). Respiratory problem with a ten days old baby dolphin. Proceedings of the 20th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Grand Bahamas.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1991). Candida infection with a pregnant bottlenose dolphin. Proceedings of the 19th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Vallejo, USA, p8.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1990). The new Brugge dolphinarium. Proceedings of the 18th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Chicago, USA, pp 276-279.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1990). A survey of management practices for bottlenose dolphin pregnancies with examples of birth complications. Proceedings of the 18th Annual conference of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. Chicago, USA, pp 40-46.
- GERALDINE LACAVE*, NUHACET FERNÁNDEZ, FRANCESCO GRANDE, RAFAEL SÁNCHEZ, MIGUEL DÍ AS, CLAUDIA VOLLHARDT, JULIÁN DELGADO, JUAN HERNÁNDEZ, JORGE REAL, MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ, IDAIRA MARTÍ N, AYOZE HERNÁNDEZ, KUMARA BARBUZANO, DANI MARÍ N, RENÉE VAN REEUWIJK AND JORGE SOARES (2019). Long Term Ovarian Ultrasonography Study in Killer Whales (Orcinus orca): Potential Secondary Effects of Altrenogest (Regumate�). Proceedings of the 50thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Durban, South Africa.
- LACAVE, G.* & HUGUET, E. (2017). Identification of degenerative opacities in the vitreous (Floaters and/or Vitreous detachments and/or Asteroid hyalosis) by voluntary immersion ultrasound after cataract surgery in pinnipeds� a report of several cases. Proceedings of the 48thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Cancun, Mexico.
- LACAVE, G.*, ALERTE, V., GOUVERNEUR, G. (2016). Development of an online survey for the review of otariids reproduction control in captivity after preliminary results of deslorelin and goserelin GnRh agonists implants, as temporary contraception, in different male pinniped species. Proceedings of the 47thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Virginia Beach, USA.
- LACAVE, G.*. (2015). Development of a Reference Atlas of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Ultrasonography. Proceedings of the 46thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Chicago, USA.
- JENSEN, E., GOLDSTEIN, T., LAMERE, S., CHILDRESS, A., SYKES, J., ST.LEGER, J., LACAVE, G., LATSON, FE., WELLEHAN, JF. (2015). Identification of DNA sequences that imply a novel gammaherpesvirus in seals. Proceedings of the 46thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Chicago, USA
- DA DALT, L, LACAVE, G., ROMAGNOLI, S., GABAI, G. (2015). Analysis of serum progesterone level and nursing observation of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings of the 46thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Chicago, USA
- LACAVE, G.*. (2014). Ultrasonic anatomy of the sea lion eye (Zalophus californianus and Otaria byronia) and early detection of cataractous changes. Proceedings of the 45thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Surfers Paradise, Australia.
- RUBIO GARCIA, A.*, SANCHEZ CONTRERAS G., JULIA ACOSTA C., LACAVE G., PRINS P., MARCK, K. (2013). Osteoarthritis in the hind flipper of young harbor seals (Phoca vitulina): surgical treatment in a series of four cases. Proceedings of the 44thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. San Francisco, USA, p272-273.
- LACAVE, G.*, CUI Y., GODDEERIS B., SALBANY A., ROQUE L., FLANAGAN C., SILVA N., COX, E. (2013). Results of a 20-year Erysipelas vaccination program in a dolphin (Tursiops truncates) population through analysis of the antibody response in a dolphin specific ELISA. Proceedings of the 44thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. San Francisco, USA, pp 246-248.
- LACAVE, G.*, MARESCAUX, L., BOURGAIN, JL., DESCHAMPS, J., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V. (2011). Identification of a C2 fracture and rachis deviation through CT scan in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Proceedings of the 42thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Las Vegas, USA, pp 171.
- LACAVE, G., RIAL, J., MARQUEZ, M. (2011). Open reduction surgery of an elbow luxation in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Las Vegas, USA, p 179.
- HEATHER, D.*, NOLLENS, H., JENSEN, E., GOLDSTEIN, T., LAMERE, S.A., CHILDRESS, A.L., SYKES IV, J.M., ST. LEGER, J., LACAVE, G., LATSON, F., WELLEHAN, J.F. (2010). Phylogenetic Analysis of Marine Mammal Herpesviruses. Proceedings of the 41stInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Vancouver, Canada, pp 158-159.
- FLANAGAN, C.*, ROQUE, L., SALBANY, A., SILVA, J., SILVEIRA, M., LACAVE, G. (2010) Glomerulonephritis Secondary to a Perforated Duodenal Ampulla with Peritonitis in a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings of the 41stInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Vancouver, Canada, pp 60
- LACAVE, G.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., SAMPAYO, J. (2009). Ultrasonic identification and laparoscopic approach of an abdominal mass in a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens). Proceedings of the 40thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. San Antonio, USA, pp 154.
- LACAVE, G.*, MAILLOT, A., ALERTE, V., BOSCHIROLI. M.L., LECU, A. (2009). Atypical case of Mycobacterium pinnipedii in a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens) and tuberculosis cases history review in captive pinnipeds�. (2009). Proceedings of the 40thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual meeting. San Antonio, USA, pp 155-156.
- LACAVE, G.*, GUGLIELMI, E., MANTRATZI, E. (2008). Two cases of partial penis amputation in a south African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) and a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria byronia) following persistent paraphymosis. Proceedings of the 39thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Pomezia, Italy, pp 117-118.
- ROQUE, L., SALBANY, A., FLANAGAN, C., SILVA, N., SILVA, J., LACAVE, G., SAMPAYO, J. (2008). A tentative novel approach to hypernatremia and hyperprogesteronemia through laparoscopy in a south American sea lion (Otaria byronia). Proceedings of the 39thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Pomezia, Italy, p123.
- LACAVE, G.*, BOURGAIN, JL., GODET, C., GOURNAY, W., POUILLE, A., ROY, V., SALOMÉ, C. (2007). Diagnose and treatment of pannus (chronic superficial keratitis) in an aggressive California sea lion. Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, pp 218.
- BIANCANI, B., LACAVE, G., DA SALT, L., ROMAGNOLI, S., GABAI, G. (2007). Variation of the fecal progesterone concentration in captive female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates). Proceedings of the 38thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Lake Buena Vista, USA, p160-161.
- BIANCANI, B., LACAVE, G., ROSSI, G. (2007). Ovarian lipid cell tumour in a south American sea lion (Otaria flavescens). Proceedings of the 38thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Lake Buena Vista, USA, p61.
- BIANCANI, B., LACAVE, G., DA SALT, L., ROMAGNOLI, S., GABAI, G. (2007). Serum and fecal cortisol concentration in captive bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates). Proceedings of the 38thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Lake Buena Vista, USA, p 60.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., DOVER, S.R. (2004). Medulla aplasia due to hyperoestrogenism resulting in chronic anemia in a grey seal (halichoerus grypus). Proceedings of the 35thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Galveston, USA, pp 49-50.
- DOVER, S., LACAVE, G., SALBANY, ROQUE, L. (2004). Laparoscopic ovariectomy in a grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) for treatment of hyperoestrogenism. Proceedings of the 35thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Galveston, USA, p51-52.
- LACAVE, G.*, JENSON, AB., GHIM, SJ., BOSSART, GD., DUCATELLE, R., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L., PEREIRA, M., MASSEI, K., OVA, I., ROM�O, N., LIMA, C. (2003). Identification of genital papilloma in two female Tursiops truncatus, one with pseudocarcinomatous proprieties, after voluntary biopsies. Proceedings of the 34thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine. Waikoloa, Hawaii, pp 29-30.
- GILI, G.*, McBAIN, J., HARTMANN, M., BOSSART, G., MENCHACA, M., RENNER.M., TOWNSEND, F., WALSH, M., LACAVE, G., SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L. (2002). Therapeutic Approach to Mandibular and Maxillary Fractures in Captive Cetaceans (Historical Cases Review). Proceedings of the 33rdInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Albufeira, Portugal, pp 72-73.
- LACAVE, G.*, EGGERMONT M., BROOK, F. (2002). Delivery Prediction Program in Tursiops truncatus Based on Ultrasound Measurements. Proceedings of the 33rdInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Albufeira, Portugal, pp 97-99.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A. & ROQUE, L. (2002). Twin gestation in a Tursiops truncatus at Zoomarine, Portugal. Proceedings of the 33rdInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Albufeira, Portugal, pp 100.
- BOEHM, J., LACAVE, G., PATTERSSON, R. (2001). Advancing the study and control of Erysipelas in cetaceans. Proceedings of the 32ndInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference, Tampa, USA, p101-103.
- LACAVE, G.*, SCHLATER, L.*, FEDORKA-CRAY, P.*, COX, E.*, GODDEERIS B. (2000). Identification of the serotypes of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae� strains isolated from different cetaceans species. Proceedings of the 31stInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference/AAZV joint conference. New Orleans, USA, p341.
- LACAVE, G.*, SALBANY, A., ROQUE, L. (2000). Several osteomyelitis cases in pinnipeds. Proceedings of the 31stInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference/AAZV joint conference. New Orleans, USA, p301.
- LACAVE, G.*, HERMANS, J., COX, E., GODDEERIS, B. (1997). Protection of mice against dolphin Erysipelas isolates following vaccination with a commercial Erysipelas vaccine. Proceedings of the 27thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Harderwijk, The Netherlands, p82-86.
- LACAVE, G.*, COX, E., GODDEERIS, B. (1997). Cross-reaction of antisera against immunoglobulins of several species with dolphins immunoglobulins. Proceedings of the 27thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Harderwijk, The Netherlands, p87-90.
- LACAVE, G.*, PROST, C. & SAINT-LAUDY, AJ. (1996). Results of a one year Candida desensitization treatment in a Tursiops truncatus. Proceedings of the 26thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Chattanooga, USA, p 44.
- LACAVE, G.*, PROST, C. (1995). Candida desensitization attempt in a Tursiops truncatus. Proceedings of the 26thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Mystic, USA, pp 94.
- LACAVE, G.*. (1994). Handling and medical treatment in a new born bottlenose dolphin. Proceedings of the 25thInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine annual conference. Vallejo, USA, pp 5-9.
Husbandry training award
2015 – 2nd place
“Development of a Pinniped Ultrasonography Reference Atlas”
Geraldine Lacave, MMVS
2014 – 1st place
“Open and closed eye ultrasound training in sea lions and early detection of cataracteous changes”
Geraldine Lacave & Pablo Joury, Amneville zoo/MMVS
2008 – 1st place
“Intubation training of California sea lion”
William Gournay & Geraldine Lacave, Nausicaa
2008 – 2nd place
“Two cases of partial penis amputation in a south African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) and a Patagonian sea lion (Otaria byronia) following persistent paraphymosis. Pre and post-operation follow-up”
Geraldine Lacave, Elena Guglielmi & Elisabeta Mantratzi, Zoomarine & Mediterraneo
2004 – 1st place
“Teeth problems in sea lions: from beginning to end; the good relationship between animals, trainers and veterinarian”
Geraldine Lacave, Nausicaa
Research advancement award
2011 – 2nd place
“Identification of a C2 fracture and rachis deviation through CT scan in a California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)”
G. Lacave, L. Marescaux, JL Bourgain, J. Deschamps, C. Godet, W. Gournay, A. Pouille et V. Roy, Nausicaa/MMVS
2009 – 1st place
“Pinniped tuberculosis: the importance of medical training and access to animals for population survey during the spreading of a potentially zoonotic disease”
Geraldine Lacave, MMVS
2004 – 2nd place
“Teeth problems in sea lions: from beginning to end; the good relationship between animals, trainers and veterinarian”
Geraldine Lacave, Nausicaa
Trained behavior award
1995 – 1st place
“Dolphin training for voluntary cystoscopy”
Geraldine Lacave & Rosana Souza, Zoomarine
Education and Conservation award
2012 – 1st place
“Animals – Trainers – Veterinarians: an indispensable trio”
Geraldine Lacave, MMVS
People’s choice
2009 – 2nd place
“Pinniped tuberculosis: the importance of medical training and access to animals for population survey during the spreading of a potentially zoonotic disease”
Geraldine Lacave, MMVS
Outernet Technology award
2004 – 1st place
“Medula aplasia due to hyperoestrogenism resulting in chronic anemia in a grey seal”
Geraldine Lacave, Zoomarine